Privacy Policy

1. The Invisible Collection’s approach to privacy

1.1 is a website operated by Oceanus Antiques LLC (we, our, us). We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and share information that identifies you or is associated with you (“personal information”).

1.2 For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation, we are the data controller of the personal information we hold about you.

1.3 You should also be aware that we use cookies to store and access information whilst providing access to our site. You can find out more about our use of cookies in our cookie policy.

2. Personal information we hold about you

2.1 We collect personal information from you when you voluntarily submit information directly to us or our website. This can include information you provide when you register to use the site, create an account on our site, complete a form, correspond with us, purchase products from the site, subscribe to our email lists or respond to surveys or promotions. By communicating with any member of our team you agree that we collect and process your personal data within our secure database for at least three years. In case of inactivity from one of both parties, those personal data will be erased from our database. Those data allow better business practices and enhance your customer experience.

We also collect personal information indirectly from you such as information about the pages you look at on the site or the device you connect to the site with, or the products you add to your wishlist using a tablet or similar device in one of our events. We may also collect personal information about you from third parties such as other users of the site.

2.2 Your personal data are contained in the register of data processing operations. We describe the categories of personal information we collect in more detail below:

Contact details: such as your name, your email address, your telephone number and addresses associated with your account.

Comments and opinions: such as comments and opinions you share you respond to our surveys.

Messages to us: messages you send to us such as email and written correspondence.

Payment and transaction information: we will keep records of the products and services you purchase from us and the payment method you use for the transaction. Your bank details will not be registered within our database.

Your preferences: choices you make such as notification and messaging preferences or choices about how the site is displayed.

Information about products you have looked at: we collect information about the products that you have looked at on the site or in one or during events, or that you have added to your basket on the site or to your wishlist on a tablet or similar device in one of our showrooms.

Information about how you use and connect to the online service: we collect information about how you use the site such as the pages and links you access, the time you access the site and duration you are on it, the website you come to the site from or go to after leaving the site and selections and choices you make when using the site.

We also collect information about the computer or other electronic devices you use to connect to the site such as details about the type of device (which can include unique device identifying numbers), its operating system, browser and applications connected to the site through the device, your Internet service provider or mobile network, your IP address and your device’s telephone number (if it has one).

Typically, the information we collect about how you use or connect to the site is associated with your device and not you as a named individual. However, if you are logged into a registered account this information may also be associated with you directly.

Information about your location: other than information you choose to provide to us, we do not collect information about your precise location. Your device’s IP address may help us determine an approximate location but this will be no more precise than the city, state or country you are using your device in.

Information provided by other users: sometimes, other visitors to our site provide information that is associated with you. For example, other visitors may provide information that is associated with you when they invite you to use the website.
Information provided by other organizations: other organizations may provide information that we associate with you where they are lawfully permitted to share it, such as contact details, demographic data, or Internet navigation information.
Information from fraud and crime prevention organizations: if fraudulent or other criminal activity is suspected relating to your account, we may be provided with information by credit reference, fraud and crime prevention organizations.

3. How we use your information

3.1 We will also use your personal information for the purposes specifically described below:

Contact details: we will use your contact details so that we can communicate with you directly about the products we sell and the service we provide and about queries, issues or concerns you or other users have. We may also use your contact details to send you, or to enable our marketing and business partners to send to you information about products and services that may be of interest to you (such communications will be in accordance with your marketing preferences).

(b) Payment and transaction information: we will use payment and transaction information you provide to process payment for any product or service you purchase from us. We may also use the history of your transactions with us to determine products and services that may be of interest to you. Payments data will not be saved for ulterior motives.

Your preferences: we will use your preference settings for the purpose of providing notifications, messages, displaying the site and following other choices you are able to make about how the site is displayed to you.

Information about products you have looked at: we use this information to send you reminders and further information about these products. We will also use this information to determine products and services that may be of interest to you.

Information about how you use and connect to the online service: we use this information to present the site to you on your device. We will also use this information to determine topics, products and services that may be of interest to you.

Information about your location: we may use an approximate location to ensure content on the site is relevant to the city, state or country you are using your device in. We will not collect or track your exact location without your consent.
Information about fraudulent or criminal activity relating to your account: we will use information about fraudulent or criminal activity relating to your account for the purposes of preventing fraud or crime.

All personal information: will use all the personal information we collect to: (i) monitor and improve the site and our procedures and processes; and (ii) to help us develop new products and services. Our use of your personal information in this way will not result in information that was not previously publicly available being made public on the site. We will also not use information about fraudulent or criminal activity relating to your account in the development of new products and services.

3.2 We may anonymize and aggregate any of the information we collect (so that it does not directly identify you). We may use anonymized information for purposes that include testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving the site, developing new products and features or displaying information about the purchases made via our site such as the most popular purchases or purchases based on an approximate location.

4. Information we share with third parties

4.1 We may share your personal information with the following parties:

Companies in the same group of companies as us: our subsidiaries (i.e. any organization we own or control) or our ultimate holding company (i.e. any organization that owns or controls us) and any subsidiaries it owns. These companies will only use your personal information in the same way as we can under this privacy policy. All personal data collected will only be accessible to members of our team who have proven interest to know about them because of their position under the supervision of our managing directors. These collected personal datas will not be accessible to thus employees once there is no more proven interest.

Service providers, partners and advisors: third parties who provide a service to us, partner with us on marketing and other business activities, advise us or that we work with in other business capacities. For example, we use a third party delivery service to deliver any products you buy to your address. We may also pass your personal information to our marketing and other business partners and other carefully selected third parties who will only be allowed to use your personal information in accordance with our instructions or your marketing preferences (where applicable) and will be required to keep your information secure.

Purchasers of our business: personal information may be disclosed or transferred to buyers or prospective buyers of our business or any of our assets as part of the sale.

Law enforcement, regulators and other parties for legal reasons: third parties who we are under a legal obligation to disclose your personal information to or who we need to disclose your personal information to protect our rights, property or safety or the rights, property or safety of others, detect and investigate illegal activities and breaches of any agreement we have with you.

4.2 We do not disclose information about identifiable individuals to anyone else except as set out above. We may provide third parties with aggregate statistical information and analytics about users of the site but we will make sure no one can be identified from this information before we disclose it.

5. Marketing and advertising

5.1 Email Marketing – From time to time we may contact you by email with information about our products and services. If you do not want us to send you email marketing, please let us know by sending an email to us at You can also unsubscribe from our marketing emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link (where available) in the emails we send to you. If you do not wish to be contacted by our services in the future, contact us at we will keep your contact details in an opposition database

5.2 Email Notifications About Your Order or Changes to the Services We Provide – We may send you email notifications in relation to your order or changes to the way we provide our services to you.

5.3 Advertising on other Websites – We may show advertisements to you on other websites. To do this we, or our advertising partners, may collect information about how you use the site or the types of other web pages, content and ads you, or others who are using the device you connect to the site, interact with, visit or view. The information collected might also include the IP address of the device you connect to the site or the e-mail address you provide to us or our website. We, or our advertising partners, use the information that is collected to make sure adverts you on other websites or apps (where our partners have advertising space) are more relevant to you.

5.4 The techniques our advertising partners use recognize the device or e-mail address you are using but are not aimed at you as a named individual. Typically cookies and similar technologies are used to provide this type of advertising. You can find out more about cookies and how to manage their use by reading our cookie policy.

6. Storing and transferring your personal information

6.1 All of our collected personal datas are saved on our secured servers, accessible only to our authorized team members given their legitimate interest to know about them under the supervision of our managing directors. These personal datas will be saved as long as they will represent a legitimate interest for our business, unless we have no relationship with you for more than 3 years. Beyond that time, your personal datas will be erased from our servers.

6.2 Cookies and Local Storage: we may store information (which may include personal information) locally on your device using cookies and other browser and application storage methods. For further information please see our Cookie Policy.

6.3 International Transfers of your Personal Information: the personal information we collect may be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the jurisdiction you are in, including, in particular, outside the European Union. Some of these jurisdictions offer differing levels of protection in respect of personal information and may, in certain instances, be less protective than the jurisdiction you are typically resident in. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

7. Accessing your personal information

7.1 If there is information you would like to access, please send us an email at we will comply with your request within the next 30 business days.

If you wish to operate any change regarding your personal data we are holding, send us an email at we will comply with your request within the next 30 business days.

7.2 If you wish to erase your personal data from our database, send us an email at we will comply with your request within the next 30 business days.

7.3 In case of erasing request, we will keep your contact details in our opposition database to avoid contacting you in the future, by compliance of the reglementation.

8. Links to third parties sites

8.1 The site may, from time to time, contain links to and from third party websites of our partner networks, advertisers, partner merchants, news publications, retailers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies. Please check the individual policies before you submit any information to those websites.

9. Changes to this policy

9.1 We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time and so you should review this policy periodically. When we change this privacy policy in a material way, we will update the “last modified” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. Changes to this privacy policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

10. Notice to you

10.1 If we need to provide you with information about something, whether for legal, marketing or other business related purposes, we will select what we believe is the best way to get in contact with you. We will usually do this through email or by placing a notice on the site. The fact that we may send notices to you will not stop you from being able to opt out of certain types of contact as described in this Privacy Policy.

11. Contacting us

11.1 Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcome and should be addressed to or directly through our website


Cookies store small pieces of information on your computer (with your permission) when you browse our website, so that we can deliver a unique and hassle-free shopping experience. These are the cookies we use:

Web Analytics Cookies

We use web analytics cookies to gather information on how visitors browse our website, including most popular web pages and how long visitors spend on the site. This information is used to help us understand what you like and don’t like, so we can constantly improve. We cannot see individual browser behavior, so all information cannot be tracked back to you.

Session Cookies

Sessions cookies are cookies that are deleted as soon as you close your browsing session on our website, and ensure you don’t get asked the same question twice. They remember if you have entered a promotional code, changed any browser settings and if you have already entered information like your shipping or billing address.

Tracking Codes

Tracking cookies help us remember your settings for when you return to our website on another visit. For example we remember which products you have added to your basket and login ID’s (but not passwords!) We advertise on 3rd party websites, and reward our advertisers when they send a visitor to our site who buys within 30 days of that visit. We place a cookie on your computer when you visit us from an advertiser, so we can track any sales within the 30 days.

No Private Information is Stored

Remember, our cookies don’t store information that can identify you, so no one will be able to contact you by phone, email or in any other way. Tracking is limited to Oceanus Antique website and never gets shared with anyone else.

How to Block Cookies

You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse them. Please note, if you block all cookies you may not be able to access all of the site, and you might not be able to shop with us.